High visibility clothing
Design criteria
Background fabric
Chromaticity of the background material
- as received
- after xenon exposure
Colourfastness to rubbing
Colourfastness to perspiration
Colourfastness to washing
Colourfastness to dry clean (if applicable)
Colourfastness to hypochlorite bleaching (if applicable)
Colourfastness to hot pressing (if applicable)
Dimensional stability to washing
Dimensional stability to dry cleaning (if applicable)
Tensile strength (woven fabric)
Bursting strength (knitted fabric)
Tearing strength
Water vapour resistance (if applicable)
Retroreflective tape
Retroreflectivity - as received
Retroreflectivity - after abrasion
Retroreflectivity - after flexing
Retroreflectivity - folding at cold temperature
Retroreflectivity - after temperature variation
Retroreflectivity - after washing
Retroreflectivity-after dry clean (if applicable)
Retroreflectivity - after influence of rainfall
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